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Fresh achievements incubated at CIRP Science & Technology Innovation Center



Since its establishment one year ago, CIRP Science & Technology Innovation Center, with focusing on the international frontier and demands for localization in the field of radiation protection, has kept accelerating tackling difficulties during scientific research and the commercialization of innovative achievements, so far two major high-quality achievements have been incubated here.

Automatic high-throughput nuclide separation and purification device & Sample source preparation device

Through study on technologies for the separation and purification of radionuclides as well as electrodeposition preparation of sample sources, above mentioned devices are successfully developed, which solved the problems of low sample processing efficiency, and poor stability and reliability of analysis results in traditional manual operations. The achievements have broad application prospects in the fields of environment supervision, radiation monitoring and nuclide analysis.

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Localization of decontamination agents

With addressing the balance between "safety" and "efficiency" during the decontamination process of in-service nuclear facilities, CIRP research team mastered the core components of decontamination agents, based on which mass production capacity of  the agents as well as evaluation system for decontamination effect and safety were established. The achievement laid a solid foundation for the localization of the whole process of in-service decontamination of domestic nuclear facilities.

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Contact: official@cirp.org.cn




地址:山西省太原市学府街102号 晋ICP备05001184号-1




